Did You Know?

What does DRAM stand for?

Technically speaking, a dram is a type or size of measurement whether you are measuring liquid or dry elements. I (Allison) became familiar with the dram when I worked in a veterinarian's office and dispensed granular medications. David isn't sure when he first learned about the dram, but he is a nerd so he likes it.  He has never used a dram in a practical setting.

Another definition of a dram is "a small quantity of anything." dictionary.com

Our use of the title "dram" comes from the combination of our first and middle initials:
David Ron and Allison Michelle (now you know our middle names in case we ever get in trouble with your mom....)

In connection with the actual definition of the word, we recognize that even as a team our contribution to God's great and glorious work in this world amounts to quite little. I feel like Paul puts it best in 2 Corinthians 3:4-6a.
"Now we have such confidence in God through Christ. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as if it were coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who made us adequate to be servants of a new covenant"

Praise God for taking our inadequate part in his work and making us adequate to be his servants!

Why pursue service in missions?

In short, why not? We strongly believe that Jesus Christ's mission and purpose on earth was to declare the message of the gospel, salvation by faith in him. Those who believed and followed Jesus (then and now) were also sent out to share this message. Merriam-Webster gives one definition of mission as "the act or an instance of sending" Unfortunately, this definition is recorded as obsolete; or perhaps it really is our generations' understanding of this definition that is obsolete? We have a Savior who has done a wondrous work in rescuing us from sin.
" So Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you. Just as the Father has sent me, I also send you.'" John 20:21 and "Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And I set myself apart on their behalf, so that they too may be truly set apart." John 17:18-19

The question really should be where or to whom are you being sent?

We recognize there are many places and many people that need to hear the message of hope found in the gospel. God has sent us to many places internationally and within the United States: Korea, Germany, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Mongolia; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Alamos, New Mexico; Denver, Colorado... to name a few. We have sought to share the gospel with foreign nationals, people groups in Denver, neighbors, friends, coworkers, family members, nieces and nephews, and the list goes on. You may know already that God has called you to know him so that he can reach others through you as you share the gospel with your words and actions. To whom has God sent you?

For more on the topic of mission, check out a free sermon by Timothy Keller (a pastor and author) titled "Missions". http://www.gospelinlife.com/sermons/missions.html

Or watch this music video by Selah "Be (My heart, My hands, My voice)"

So why is God sending us to support missions through aviation?

We may still be asking God that question ourselves. Ultimately, we know he is calling David to pursue a role in missions that fits who God designed him to be. We are grateful that God does not limit the scope of how he uses people. Aviation mechanics are men (and women) who play a vital role in providing the ground support needed to use planes to transport people and supplies around the world. Some locations are still too remote or too undeveloped to be safely reached without the aid of an airplane. We all know that a good machine only lasts as long as a good mechanic can keep it running.

What does a maintenance controller do?
"Aviation maintenance technicians work under deadlines to inspect and maintain aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations and standards. It's the job of the aviation maintenance technician to ensure that the aircraft is in top working order and to then repair any problems before it leaves the ground."  Quote from www.study.com

What are the expenses involved in our ministry?

Our current goals are to raise $8,334 per month for our cost of living. We also have a one-time goal to raise funds for purchasing a vehicle (new or used). God will provide for these expenses through individuals and churches who
 commit to give monthly or give a one-time donation.

How can you partner with us and support what God is doing?
  1. You can pray for Ethnos360 Aviation and our involvement with them.
  2. You can pray for our marriage, our children, our relationships, and our lives to bring glory to God.
  3. You can become a financial partner in this ministry God is using to take the gospel to all the nations. (Matt 28:19-20)
  4. You can invite your church and your friends who know God to hear about this ministry opportunity God has given us.  Post a comment and we will contact you

  • Financial donations are tax deductible provided they are made to Ethnos360.
  • Ethnos360 is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA).
  • Please state to whom the donation is preferenced : David and Allison DeJong.

Other contributions to fund aircraft projects, cover flight costs, general operations also serve to support the work of Ethnos360 Aviation.

You can send a personal check and ministry partnership pledge form to:


312 West First Street
Sanford, FL 32771-1231

or you can download a form to set up an Electronic Funds Transfer for recurring donations by clicking here.

You may also follow this link to donate online with credit card:

Give - David and Allison DeJong

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