Thursday, August 21, 2014

Catching up

If you subscribe to our blog at all, you may have been wondering what is up in the world of the DeJong family.
So much has happened, I may need to use bullet points to walk you through the process... :o)

  • I (Allison) began the process of transitioning her ministry over to the faithful hands of volunteers at Creekside Bible Church. 5 months later... she is officially unemployed!
  • David confirmed his resignation with Cadence International and pursued options for training as an A&P licensed mechanic. David cooperatively set a tentative end date for his part-time position at headquarters (HQ) in Englewood and agreed to work alongside Human Resources to interview the potential candidates to fill his position.
  • In March, we both completed the pre-evaluation questions and applications for MMS Aviation-a missions organization that provides technical training and work experience to prepare aviation mechanics or maintenance specialists for their A&P examination with the FAA while serving mission organizations around the world.  Excitement built as we waited for references to respond to the organization on our behalf.
  • Our applications were accepted with MMS Aviation. One final step involved a week of evaluation and interviewing in Coshocton, Ohio, with the MMS Aviation staff.  
  • Allison prepared, with a team of 70 or more volunteers, for CBC's summer Vacation Bible School program, a 4 day journey studying the Gospel through the eyes of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15).  The month of June passed quickly as our team executed a unique program created and led by our own church members. Over 80 children attended and learned about the Gospel and how God is using missionaries to proclaim his message around the world. Each day the journey included a drama illustrating Jesus' parable, a missionary sharing about the ministry our church family supports, and a whole lot of fun celebrating the Good News that Jesus died and rose again to pay for our sin and give us eternal life.
  • Highlight of VBS: hearing my 7 year-old niece explain the Gospel in her own words. Pray with us for her salvation!
  • David was also very busy with training in June. He completed and passed an instruction course to become certified as a Water Safety Instructor for the city of Lakewood. He also attended a six day EMS (Emergency Medical Services) conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The conference provided quality instruction which allowed David to complete the required continuing education credits and renew his EMS license.
  • Allison remained quite busy in Castle Rock, Colorado, as she finished several steps in the process of handing over the Children's Ministry at Creekside Bible Church. Her final day as an employee of the church ended at 10pm but her service to Christ as a volunteer in his church continues on.
  • David and Allison were reunited for a busy but fun weekend of celebrating the 4th of July and other family birthdays.
  • David succumbed to the horrible fever and sore throat associated with strep throat. Two days of fever and other symptoms prompted us to see the doctor where we received a prescription for antibiotics. Praise God Allison never developed symptoms! Praise God for David's ability to choke down all the required doses of antibiotics. Those of you who know his family history may sympathize with how difficult this 2 week process was.
  • The leadership at Cadence International was busy during July reevaluating the needs for IT staff at headquarters to support the nearly 300 missionary staff around the world. The decision was made to start a new interview process seeking to hire a full-time staff member to best support the IT needs of the organization.
  • Friday, July 11th: David was offered a temporary increase in hours and salary as the full-time IT employee for Cadence International while HQ resumes the search for this new IT staff member. His position at Cadence will end December 31. Pray that God will supply the candidate soon to be trained and transitioned into the IT position before David leaves in December.
  • Friday evening, July 11th: David and Allison boarded a flight for Columbus, Ohio, the nearest commercial airport to Coshocton, Ohio where MMS Aviation is located.  Allison lost her driver's license while going through the security checkpoint at DIA.  David became the official chauffeur for the trip to Ohio.
  • Upon our return, David accepted the temporary position for full-time work at Cadence International HQ. His final date of employment for Cadence will be December 31st. Meanwhile, Allison has been busy packing our belongings to move in with family in Castle Rock. 
For more on our trip to Ohio and the culmination of our application to MMS Aviation as missionary candidates (and an apprenticeship), check out our next blog post. :o)

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